Cafeteria by Kayo Nakamura
Cafeteria was made after experiencing the unlikely phenomena of unintentional dancing. A person attempts to walk from one end of a crowded room to the other, but is delayed by having to weave in and out of all of the tables and chairs that are filling it. I do not like crowded rooms and quickly become annoyed by the mundane task of repeatedly having to struggle back and forth through a room full of obstacles. The repetition of this task made me conscious of the way my body was moving as I would try to accommodate the architecture. I thought that if the tables and chairs were not there a person might look like they were dancing, and found it amusing how this random structure could conduct someone’s movements. An annoying, mundane, clumsy task like walking through a crowded room evolves into a dance. There is a break with reality when you become lost in the momentary pauses that come with negotiating obstacles. Changes in direction, speed, balance, and body posture can cause you to find yourself dancing.