Alinah Azadeh

Alinah Azadeh is a British-Iranian artist based in London whose work over the last ten years ranges from animated shorts (The Hidden Hand, Unspoken Symphony) and public art media commissions (Memo, Routed) to interactive installation work (Space Within The Real) and software design ( She has worked extensively with communities to explore identity using video and sound. Originally a painter, Alinah spent most of her twenties in Paris, France and moved into animation and video practice on her return to the UK in 1994. She went on to study electronic media and worked as a new media designer for five years in London and Brighton, UK. She completed an MA in Media Arts practice at the University of Westminster in 2001 and was a founding member of creative partnership 'nectar digital' in Brighton until 2002. She now works independently as an artist and lives in London.